Monday, August 30, 2010

strange feeling

I've something in my heart..dunno what the feeling was but sure is not a good one.. try to remove ot but it keep coming to me.. feels uncertain..feels unsecure and feel dumped.. i'snt?

well....who seems sometimes ok sometimes not.this feeling up and, lets put positive think in my head..just a normal feeling for a career woman who have lots of stressed work and try to manage her life accordingly.. :)

then, I'll feel better, just put aside negative thoughts and i'll be a happy person.. kind of..

to me,we need to have both positive and negative a way to balance our life..thats will be interesting..

however, most of the time we want to have positive feeling..happy,very much in love,caring and that it will cheer up our life..

for me the most precious feeling that i've been through and i'm sure most of us does is falling in give us strength and courage to face the on we give us a smile everytime we meet him or her..and we feels that this world is belong to both of us only..we can do almost everything and anything...

that is love...

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