Saturday, September 22, 2012


susah tol jadik bos nie..ade saje yg tk kena..ade saje kena org bawahan kne ngan org atasan..kite yg jadik bos kecik ni jugak la yg kena menjawab...huhuhuhu....

org bawah yg byk kerenah..byk soklan yg perlu dijawab di tambah lagik perangai yg bukn2..sume kena layan..kalo tk adil kena complaint..kalo tk wat keje kena complaint..sume la senang ckp... orang atasa pulak dok tekan kite..soh perform la..wat keje diorg la..jaga staff la..haishh...mcm2 dugaan la...

hurrrmmmmm...aku cuba wat yg kalo ade org tk suke cara aku..lantak la...aku tk kisah...asalkan aku ikut cara yg betul..process n procedure company..susah nk puaskn hati sume org..n susah nk bg org diam n tk complaint pasal kiter...

Monday, September 10, 2012

Home Sweet Home

went to shopping mall last week for groceries..and on the way back we were attracted to housing exhibition for landed houses and apartments..went for check up the prizes and we were stood there apartment at Shah Alam worth RM5xx k.. and landed home 3 storey at Rawang..again Rawang which takes 45 min to reach KL if no traffic is worth RM1.5mill.. so so so so..dunno what to say... cannot imagine the houses right in the middle of the much that average income like us will not have chances to buy houses like that...even if we make joint loan for housing..we cannot reach up to RM5xx just waiting for my hubby or myself becoming a Director of the company then we can afford to buy a house..what we call it home sweet home..

we were planning to have a house before reach 30's..but with this kind of situation..we just hoping for the much commitment to make to buy a house..if we want a bigger and comfortable living area, we only can afford suburbs area which will increase our cost and time and also energy everytime we go to work.. so need to sacrifice on that too..but if we want to save on our time and cost going to work, we only afford a simple unsecured living area with small sized of apartment in the city which I confirmed it will not be as cozy as it is our rented house..of of cos we will lived there until our sons and daughters all grown up or perhaps until our last breath..

too much decision to make so that we will not regret of what we have decide for..for our lifetime happiness... home sweet home...where are u?????

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Pot Luck

today we're having pot luck at office on raya celebration. every person are given task to bring any kind of food and i was excited to bring my yummy delicious baked it really yummy??? hahaha.. just compliment myself... :)

well..lots of food and beverages are in the house and we all like full and happy altogether..really fun and enjoying all those moments..hopefully can have this occasion frequently and yet being more tolerate with others..

teamwork..a word with high responsibilities coming with..but that's what we are trying to do.. nevertheless having training on teamwork last fasting month..but yet as a leader I an the one that need to move this team..I am the captain of this ship..I need to show them which route to take and which part to make turn... if we are sinking..all will sink together..really big responsibilities..huhhh...

pics from the pot luck..looking some colleagues are dying to take all the foods..all are very yummy2 and delicious..most of them are homemade..

Monday, September 3, 2012

open house

dah menjadi tradisi kt kl ni..pose sebulan..raye pon sbln gak..huhu byk tol jemputan open house tiapkali ujg mgu menjelma..pi ngan tknk pi jer..alhamdulilah perut akan selalu terisi ngan rendang,lemang, nasi impit, kuah kcg dll...dan juga menambahkn ikatan sesama insan...

tp ramai gak berty tknk wat open house ker..maklumlah adat ktorg mmg ade open house every year..hurmm..thn ni agak keberatan sket..tktau la nape..byk sgt jemputan umh kawan2 and sedara mara kot..lgpon bajet kurang..huhu...insyaallah kalo ade rezeki lain igt nk jugak menjamu kawan2 n sedara mara...

ujg mgu ni ade lg jemputan open house..hurmmmm rezeki melimpah ruah lagik..alhamdulilah.. :-)