Sunday, July 13, 2008


7 june 2008- a date to engagement with my love...

the ceremony goes smoothly even there is part of dissatisfaction specially when the time for a picture...

missed taking picture with him in engagement dress...he was so busy changing his baju melayu..

but still happy and enjoy the moments of being some1 belongings..

planning for da big day early 2009..hopefully it will come fine day......:))

next pic

me trying to put smile at my face with butterfly in da stomach..hehe..:))

looking at averyone but not actually see them..know what i mean??

the only way to relax is to smiiiillllleeeee.....

but thanks to sadin for da luvle pics and video...

relief after the ceremony..

the ring..still wearing until today...

being some1 fiancee is a responsibility...

the oldies say..sensitivity comes with the relationship..even one step ahead but the journey is yet so far..

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