Saturday, November 24, 2012


menghitung hari akan deliver my 2nd baby..hopefully semuanyer akan syaa Allah... bru 34 weeks tp dh terasa cuaknyerrr...nk menunggu hari kelahiran my baby gurl.. walaupon dh ade pengalaman sebelum masih lg mendebarkan...

perut dh memboyot..urat2 dh terasa kesengalannyer..badan dh mula letih2..nafas semput2... mcm dh menunjukkan simptom2 yg sepatutnyer bile masenyer dh skang ni kena la berjaga2 dengan segala kemungkinan yg ade...

Ya Allah...permudahkan kelahiran anakku yg kedua ini..amin...semoga anak mama ni sihat sentiasa yerrr..... :)

Friday, November 16, 2012

besday celebration

last hubby, my son and I were celebrating my birthday at Mines Wellness Hotel Seri Kembangan..that was surprised from my hubby...I was so happy since we haven't go for holiday for quite long... so this also part of my relax time..

since this time my hubby were having extra money.. I have received a lot of gift until I'm not sure which one is the birthday first I'm getting new handpone..galaxy s3...then new jewellery (gold locket)..after that gucci perfume and latest surprise from hubby is makeup set sephora...

so it was a fantastic week.. my +ve aura was on the top.. even having backpain due to pregnancy...but I'm still feel happy..tq dear for all this enjoyable time you give me..for all this are always be mine...

no cake thsi time..its ok since I am not a cake lover..only can have 1 no point having a cake for my birthday..already grateful for all other gift that I have now... :-)


cam best lak kek ni kalo mkn for sure naik berkilo2 neh...huhu.....